Acugraph represents a cutting-edge technology in the field of modern acupuncture. As one of the few clinics in the United Kingdom utilizing this advanced system, we are at the cutting edge of providing improved care. Acugraph serves as a diagnostic tool, meticulously analyzing and mapping energy points throughout the patient’s body.
This process offers precious insights into their overall health and any existing energy imbalances. Practitioners that use Acugraph see a more positive patient outcomes than acupuncturists that used other diagnostic techniques. Experience the difference firsthand by contacting us today to schedule your consultation. Discover the multitude of benefits that await you at our clinic.
The computer directs you through the exam using acupuncture source points. Patients love the analytical results, like a lab-test for acupuncture.
The resulting data, displayed in graph form, provides unprecedented insight of the diagnosis. Results are visually presented in personalized charts and graphs.
Upon obtaining the exam results through Acugraph, the practitioner’ll elucidate the imbalances present in the patient’s body by providing a comprehensive analysis and explanation.