A case of neurological disorder helped by DR. VJ’s acupuncture

I am writing this for my eldest brother Ben. He just turned 48 years young. On Thanksgiving day 2016 we found out the chances of my brother having ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease) were extremely high and by Christmas our fears were confirmed. This definitely made for a difficult yet special holiday season. This fatal disease can be aggressive and life expectancy is between two and five years after diagnosis. ALS is a neurological disorder that hardens the nerves causing them not to fire which in turn causes the muscles to atrophy from lack of use and eventually the nerves that tell your heart to beat and your lungs to breathe will stop transmitting signals.

My brother has lost movement of his arms, and now needs help to even perform the basic things in life. The disease progresses rapidly and my brother was forced to retire within 6 months. They have lost a battle with Aflac insurance for his critical illness policy. By the grace of God Ben and Barb have kept joy in their hearts.

Recently, we went on a cruise as a bucket list item. My brother and his amazing wife Barb truly thought this would be the last vacation they could take because of the progression of the ALS. While touring the ship we had the chance to speak to the acupuncture specialist, Dr. Vj, MD & DOM. He told us that he had treated many MS patients with a combination of Eastern and Western medicine. My brother Ben told him he had ALS. Instantly Dr. Vj, MD & DOM, said “I can help you” and he continued to go over info and explain how he is a neurological acupuncture specialist.

Dr. Vj, MD & DOM, said he could not cure the disease but could help bring back movement to help enjoy life better. Ben and Barb said, “Let’s give it a shot, what do we have to lose.” After 1 treatment my brother could lift his arms to his chest. Dr. Vj, MD & DOM, told me “Ben almost came to tears with joy.” Remember, my brother Ben could not open doors, feed himself or brush his teeth… basically anything that requires your arms, hands or fingers. They continued to see Dr. Vj, MD & DOM the rest of the week and each day he gained more movement.

At the end of the week, Ben could shake hands, pick up small items and he could even grab the remote and turn up the volume. My brother could give his wife a hug for the first time in over 6 months! It was a small hug and he could barely squeeze but this simple act of a hug, brought tears of joy to our mother, his daughters and many others. For Ben to hug again was thought to be impossible from other doctors. God put us in the perfect situation and we found this amazing, caring doctor.